Support VT Creatives

As part of the Vermont Regional Marketing & Stimulus Grant Program, area arts organizations in collaboration have received funds for a "Support Vermont Creatives...local arts, food and innovation" initiative.
(77Art, Chaffee Art Center, Paramount Theatre, The MINT, The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center)

With the pandemic, many artists, creatives and arts organizations are struggling to remain viable as restrictions and guidelines have significantly impacted their means of revenue. This initiative is to encourage people to explore the arts and support artists, creatives and arts organizations, and to bring in visitor traffic to area businesses.


How can I support Vermont Creatives?

  • Buy local arts, food

  • Support innovation

  • Become a member of a Creative group or organization

  • Take a class

  • Safely visit outdoor and indoor arts venues

  • Make a donation

Funding from this grant will help facilitate the following:

Continue the current storefront window art project "Rutland Art Ramble" that encourages people to visit downtown and take a walking tour of the displays of the arts and innovation. This allows everyone to able to enjoy and experience the inspiring and talented individuals who are involved in area arts organizations and the creative sector in an outdoor setting.

Expand beyond downtown to include other Rutland area businesses to encourage the community and visitors to explore all that the Rutland area has to offer, while enjoying the arts and innovation.

Develop logos for the Rutland Art Ramble and the Support Vermont Creatives initiative.

Create a Website for the Rutland Art Ramble with a Virtual map listing the businesses and locations to visit.

RAR website-10.png

…Rutland Area Creatives

click the images below to find out more about these fantastic creatives